Langho and Billington St Leonard's Church of England Primary School

  1. Children
  2. Young Leadership
  3. Eco Club

Eco Club

Welcome to the Eco Club page where you will find out what we are doing to help St Leonard's to be a 'green' school.

Eco Club Helps Community Centre's Pot Hole Problem!

Eco Club came to the rescue helping fill in the large number of dangerous pot holes that had developed on the Community centre car park, adjacent to school.

The community centre arranged for a quantity of gravel to be delivered but needed volunteers to distribute it, so up stepped our 'Eco Warriors'!

They worked extremely hard to fill in the holes to make the car park safer for both pedestrians and motorists. They also found time to clear away any litter that was lying around too!

Well done to all the children, and Miss Hesketh, for their terrific effort which has been much appreciated by all users of the car park, including many parents and staff. 

Eco Club are monitoring our waste! 

Eco Club have been wanting to address the amount of food waste we were producing at St Leonard's and had discussed various ways in which we could create a great impact with small simple changes. After addressing the children in worship about their intended changes the children wrote to parents on our newsletter. They have asked for people on packed lunches to take their rubbish home so it can be recycled correctly and their parents or carers can see what they have or have not eaten. They have asked for children to be conscious of the amount of food left on their plates and to be open to try new foods. Each day they work along side out amazing lunch staff weighing the lunch time waste and reporting back to classes if there has been an increase in waste. 

Eco Club are persuading our school to make small changes.

This week Eco Club have presented their mood boards and speeches to Mrs Lindley to persuade her to make small changes to our school environment. Each child spoke clearly with a great range of vocabulary. Some of their ideas are for class plants to wash your worries away, emotions tree with bird boxes, more flowers, to provide litter picker monitors and to display the weight of our school waste each day.

Tree Planting

Eco Club have started to organise and plant some of our tree donations along the school field to provide shade for the hot, summer days and support the wildlife around us.

Supporting our smaller creatures in this world

The children have begun to plant flowers around our school to support the wildlife and mental health of those in our school.

St Leonard's School has a dedicated group of 'Eco Warriors' who meet weekly(Tuesday lunchtime) to explore environmental issues relating to our school and the local community.

Their dedicated work was rewarded in 2013 when St Leonard's School was awarded a Green Flag by the Eco-Schools organisation.

Creative for Climate Change

In 2024 Eco Club delivered a whole school worship about the catastrophic change that is happening to our planet because of climate change. Working with Christian Aid Eco Club asked children to create a piece of art work to influence MPs to act and support in making changes in our country to save our planet.  Three children from our school were chosen to have their work displayed in the exhibition held at the Houses of Parliament.

Eco Club are planting trees!

To support the wildlife which surrounds our school the children had requested a tree pack from the Woodland Trust to shelter our students from the increasingly sweltering weather. 

A poem written by our lovely Amelia, inspired after a worship led by Eco Club.