Langho and Billington St Leonard's Church of England Primary School

  1. Children
  2. Young Leadership
  3. School Council

School Council

School Council 2024-2025

Our School Council is a democratically, peer elected group of pupils representing each of our classes. The purpose of the School Council is to provide a voice for all of our pupils at St Leonard's. Enabling them to have an active role in matters that effect their lives both in school and the wider community.

School Council meetings are held with Miss Kealey. 

Suggestion boxes are located in each classroom.  Children are encouraged to write down any suggestions that they think will improve school.  The School Council take these ideas to council meetings to discuss if they can be implemented.

This year, our school council is eager to complete some important work. They are currently promoting children to create road safety posters to display outside of our school alongside persuasive letters to our local council to make our road safer. This process has taken several meetings including generating their own ideas, gathering ideas of other children collecting information from children about their thoughts of our school road and creating a poster making station for play times.

Our school council have also written application letters to the children who would like to be a charity or online safety ambassador. The children have read through each application and through discussion have chosen the children they all believed would thrive in these roles.

School council have been proactive this first half term after reading a class suggestion of looking after our school environment by collecting the litter left around the playground and field. School council have chosen four children with support from an Eco Club member to collect rubbish, promote a cleaner playground and report to school council the impact they are having. 

Our school council are now looking ahead to work alongside our charity ambassadors with NightSafe and Kishunju Primary School, Uganda. 

World Mental Health day

All members of School council lead an interactive whole school worship based around the understanding and importance of looking after our own mental health. The children suggested strategies that can be used in and out of school which the children have been encouraged to try. School Council decided to have a happiness non uniform theme, where they asked everyone to come dressed in what makes them feel the happiest. As a result we had children in cosy, soft pyjamas, football kits, mountain bike jackets and bright, vibrant colours with smiles on their faces all day and checking in with one another. School council during their worship highlighted the effect on peoples mental health of not having basic hygiene care, a roof over your head or a warm meal that the young adults looked after by Nightsafe go through daily. They therefore asked children to donate food, hygiene or cleaning products and we have been overwhelmed by the generosity of everyone. 

Road Safety

School council members wanted to advertise the dangers our school road has on our school community. They have written letters to our local council asking for changes to be made and have supported the children in school to create road safety posters. The children are then wanting to display these posters around our school gates for the public to see.