Langho and Billington St Leonard's Church of England Primary School

Langho and Billington St Leonard's Church of England Primary School

Following in Jesus' Footsteps

  1. Learning
  2. Classes & Year Groups
  3. Year 3 and 4

Year 3 and 4

Welcome to our Year 3 and 4 page! 

We are so glad that you are joining us in our learning adventure this year.

On this page you will find everything you need to know about what we have done and achieved, what we are currently doing and where our journey is taking us next.

We have three classes in Year 3 and 4 (also known as LKS2).

Our classes are:

Herons (Y3) whose class teacher is Miss Jones 

Kingfishers (Y3&4) whose class teacher is Miss Waddicor 

Owls (Y4) whose class teacher is Mr Taylor

Learning is also supported by Teaching Assistants.





Key Information


Homework will normally be set on a Monday and will need to be completed by the next week, including spellings. Spellings will then be tested on the following Monday, all work that needs completing will be listed in the Pupil Record book, which will come home with a reading book, and will also be posted below on Mondays.



We all know the impotance of reading and the knowledge and joy it brings. All pupils will come home with a school reading book and will be listened to in class. Any opportunity to read to an adult at home will be valued and talking about the book will truly help engagement and key comprehension skills.



Labels are very important in every piece of clothing to enable us to distinguish any lost or found clothing. Please could you help us to help the Y3/4 pupils to keep all that belongs to them in this way.



For Spring 1, all three classes will have Key PE on a Tuesday. Please ensure that you send your child in the correct PE kit. 


We also have an additional PE session on these days:


Kingfishers - Monday

Owls - Wednesday

Herons - Thursday


Dates for your diary

We have many exciting events taking place this year, so here are important events taking place in the Autumn Term (this will be updated if any new events occur):

Wednesday 11th September - Welcome to Y3 & 4 Meeting

This will be at 3.30pm in the hall and will give parents and carers to meet the teachers as well as find out what to expect during the year ahead. There will be opportunities to ask any questions that you may have.


Tuesday 8th October - Year 4 Learning Engagement Session at 3pm

This will be at 3.00pm in the hall and will give parents and carers the opportunity to celebrate children's learning with them and find out what they have been learning in the term so far. 


Wednesday 9th October - Year 3 Learning Engagement Session at 3pm


This will be at 3.00pm in the hall and will give parents and carers the opportunity to celebrate children's learning with them and find out what they have been learning in the term so far. 


Friday 8th November - Owls Led Worship

Owls will be leading worship in church at 9.00am - all parents and carers are welcome to join us.


Friday 22nd November - Kingfishers Led Worship

Kingfishers will be leading worship in church at 9.00am - all parents and carers are welcome to join us.


Friday 6th December - Herons Led Worship

Herons will be leading worship in church at 9.00am - all parents and carers are welcome to join us.


Thursday 28th November -Panto!

All of KS2 will be attending Jack and the Beanstalk at the Empire Theatre, Blackburn for the morning - oh yes we are!

Lower Key Stage 2 Trips


We have planned great experiences for our year group that we are sure they will gain much from.



As mentioned above, all of KS2 will be attending Jack and the Beanstalk at the Empire Theatre, Blackburn for the morning.




LKS2 will also be attending a day of exploration at the Manchester Science Museum.




Imaginative History will be in for the day helping us find out more about life in Ancient Egypt!

Year 3 & 4 Class Timetables

Timetables are created for each half term and ensure that we provide the coverage and time allocation for each subject.

We adhere to these timetables unless there is an exciting reason not to such as a trip or visitor.



Year 3 & 4 Curriculum Overview

Curriculum Overviews are written as a whole school to ensure that all pupils gain the breadth and depth of knowldgew which the National Curriculum requires.

Homework for the Week


Week beginning:  24th February 2025

GPS Book - Page 41-42

Maths Book - Page 40-41


Spellings -

Year 3: 


Year 4:



What have we been doing in class this week?

Friday 14th February
Year 3 and 4 have had another brilliant week of learning. In English, the children learnt about the features of a cinquain poem and created their own based on the poem ‘The Roman Centurion’s Song’ by Rudyard Kipling. These were fantastic to read and included an incredible depth of vocabulary. In Science, our plants topic was concluded by learning about pollination and the importance of bees to the world. The children learnt about how insects pollinate plants and discussed what the world would be like without insects. Finally, we discussed the battle for power in 1066 including the battle of Stamford Bridge and the Battle of Hastings, where Anglo-Saxon rule in Britain ended. We then investigated the impact that the Anglo-Saxons had on Britain, including some of the names of towns and cities nearby. Well done to everybody and have a lovely, relaxing half-term! 
Friday 7th February
This week, Year 3 and 4 have continued to work incredibly hard and should be very proud of everything they have accomplished! In PE, the children worked in groups to put together a dance performance of their holiday to Spain. They danced to Spanish music while counting to a beat of eight. The children have written their own stories based on our feature text ‘Escape from Pompeii’. They have been challenged to write it from a first-person perspective, focusing on one of the main character’s feelings and thoughts throughout the day. In RE, we have focused on the words ‘power’ and ‘authority’. We have considered who has power and authority in our lives, and where they get that from. We also learnt about two inspirational people: Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr and discussed how they stood up against authority when it was not being used correctly. Well done everybody for a fantastic week! 
Friday 31st January
Well done on yet another fantastic week of learning, Lower Key Stage 2! This week in English the children have written some excellent letters sharing the events of the eruption of Mount Vesuvius and the impact it had on Pompeii. In French, we have learnt how to say different vegetables and this week the children practiced ordering different vegetables during a conversation. In RE, we read through several of Jesus’ miracles that he performed and considered how this showed that Jesus was God’s son. Finally, in PSHE we discussed the importance of diversity in our community. The children designed their own island thinking of what benefit different people would bring to their island. Keep up the great work everybody! 
Friday 24th January
This week, Year 3 and 4 have had another amazing week to be proud of! In Reading, we have continued to read ‘The Firework Maker’s Daughter’ and even learnt about a secret family link between two main characters! In Art and Design, the children experimented with handmade stamps and created a repeated pattern of different shapes. The children learnt all about photosynthesis in science, and considered the impact that deforestation could have on humans due to the lack of photosynthesis happening. The children also discovered the different roles that local councillors do and how many things around us are the council’s responsibility. Well done everybody! 
Friday 17th January
Year 3 and 4 have had another fantastic week of learning. In Art and Design, we experimented with charcoal by expressing different words or phrases with mark making. The children’s creativity really flourished as they created these drawings! In RE, we have learnt about some of the incredible miracles that Jesus performed and considered how he was able to do these amazing things. In Computing, the children have loved programming on Scratch. They have added sounds, movements and even had multiple actions happening at the same time. Keep up the great work everybody! 
Friday 10th January
Well done everybody on a fantastic first week back after Christmas holidays! In Reading, we have enjoyed our new class novel ‘The Firework Maker’s Daughter’. The children have all made excellent predictions and enjoyed finding out about the characters. In PE, we have begun our dance topic with a swashbuckling theme, as we danced as pirates keeping to a tempo of 8 counts. We used our knowledge of the Anglo-Saxons from earlier in the year in History as we learnt all about the Viking lifestyle and their invasion of Britain. In science, we have learnt all about plants and what the different parts of a flowering plant do, and why they are so important. Well done everybody on a brilliant week of learning!
Friday 20th December
A busy and fun-filled final week of the Autumn Term! The children completed their learning about Jeus being the Light of the World by learning about the tradition of Christingles and making our own, as well as having a Christingle Service in Church. The children have been busy finishing off their learning in Geography, French and Science and have completed quizzes to show how much they have learned! In PE, the children were lucky enough to demonstrate their gymnastics skills using the climbing apparatus and thick mats! We have finished the week by learning about Christmas traditions around the world, and we have watched 'The Witches' to make comparisons between the film adaptation and the original text. 
Enjoy a well-deserved rest over the next 2 weeks and have a wonderful time celebrating the festive season with your families! We look forward to seeing you all back in January. 
Friday 13th December
Even in the run up to Christmas, the children in LKS2 have been working super hard! In English, the children have finished writing diary entries in role as a main character and then have challenged themselves to extend the story by writing a diary entry in role as a supporting character. In DT, the children have finished building the frame structures for their pavilions and have added decorative cladding. In PE, the children created impressive sequences in groups including counter balances, 5 stages of jumps and rolls. In Geography, the children learned about our local river, the Ribble, while in Science the children investigated which objects are reflective and why. 

Friday 6th December

Another very busy week in LKS2! The children have all worked very hard during assessment week and have really enjoyed the learning in their afternoon subjects. In RE, the children considered whether light was a good metaphor for Jesus through song and artwork. This week’s PSHE lesson explored using small steps to overcome barriers and fears and the children made plans to show kindness and make sacrifices. In Geography, the children learned more features of rivers and predicted how world rivers might change over the next 100 years due to erosion and deposition. To end the week, the children loved celebrating Victorian Day with a worship in church led by Herons class and completing tasks as the children of St Leonard’s would have in 1874! In the afternoon, the children enjoyed Victorian Christmas crafting. 


Friday 29th November

We have had another super week in Year 3 and 4! In RE, children reflected on Jesus being the light of the world and they wrote some beautiful poems. In PE, the children created counter balances and counter tension balances with a partner - very impressive to see! In Geography, the children explored the different sections of rivers and how to categorize them; they thoroughly enjoyed linking this to what they know and have observed about our local rivers! We started building pavilion frame structures in DT and learned about how to change the size and shape of shadows in Science. The highlight of the week was the Pantomime trip which the children absolutely loved! Keep up the great work, everyone. 


Friday 22nd November

Year 3 and 4 have been amazing this week and have completed some fabulous work! In RE, the children considered why Christians view Jesus as the Light of the World. In French, the children described what happens in springtime. As part of our computing lesson, the children used iPads to create a simple stop-motion animations. In geography, they learned what humans are doing to negatively affect the water cycle and created plans of how to change in the future to ensure this doesn’t continue. In Science, the children investigated how to make shadows change size by moving the light source closer to or further away from an object. All of the children have worked incredibly hard and have made us very proud this week!


Friday 15th November

What a busy week we've had in LKS2! The children used apparatus in PE to enhance their gymnastic sequences, adding in jumps and balances from equipment. In PSHE, the children learned all about how to keep their teeth healthy and made very informative and eye-catching posters. In computing, the children looked at how technology is used to make stop-motion animations. In Geography, we looked at the water cycle in more detail and thought like geographers, considering what the impact would be on us if different parts of the water cycle didn't happen. In science, the children considered how shadows are formed and investigated which types of objects cast shadows and what shadows look like. In DT, the children designed their own pavilions ready to start constructing! The children enjoyed dressing up in the colour of a Pupil Promise on Friday and raising money for Children in Need. Thank you for all the donations to Nightsafe! 


Friday 8th November

We have had such a busy week in LKS2, jam-packed with learning and exciting activities. We started our new RE unit considering why light is important in a variety of faiths and learned about the Jewish festival of Hanukkah. In our Key PE sessions, the children started to put together a collaborative sequence involving different challenging gymnastic positions and balances. In Geography, the children learned about the different stages in the water cycle and were amazed by the fact that the water we drink is the same water the dinosaurs drank! In DT, children built basic frame structures and challenged themselves to test different shapes while ensuring the structure is stiff, strong and stable. In Science, the children learned about the Sun as a light source and its impact on Earth by giving us day and night. The highlight of our week was tree planting in Swindell's Woods with the Woodland Trust! The children loved the activity and planted around 150 trees between them! 


Friday 1st November

What a great, short week back in school! The children have loved exploring the new class novel, 'The Witches', and enjoyed writing free verse poetry in English lessons. In Geography, the children learned about the importance of glaciers as part of the world's freshwater system and considered the challenges we face due to climate change. In Science, the children investigated whether darkness is just the absence of light and thought about different natural and artificial light sources. In DT, children learned about the importance of a strong frame when building a structure and loved having a go at making their own! In PE, the children started their gymnastics unit, practising balances and jumps. We can't wait to get into the rest of our new learning next week! 


Friday 18th October

What a wonderful half term we have had in Year 3 and 4!  The children have worked incredibly hard and have made a fantastic start to the school year. This week, we finished reading our class novel 'The Killer Cat' and the children were captivated by the humorous ending to the story. They thoroughly enjoyed discussing and making inferences about what happened behind the scenes of the story and building on each other's ideas. We also finished our writing unit based on 'Gorilla' by Anthony Browne. The children have planned and written their own narratives and have worked extremely hard to include various grammatical features such as fronted adverbials, expanded noun phrases and inverted commas. We have been blown away with the vocabulary used!  In Science, we concluded our topic about rocks by learning all about fossils and the process in which they are formed. We had lots of fun using playdoh to demonstrate the process of fossilisation! In History, we learned all about the religion of the Anglo-Saxons and how this changed over time. The children enjoyed acting out the process of the Anglo-Saxons converting from being Pagans to Christians, which resulted in some fantastic explanations recorded in the children's books. Well done, everybody. A brilliant half term of learning! 


Friday 11th October

Year 3 and 4 have had another fantastic week. On Tuesday and Wednesday, the children thoroughly enjoyed sharing their learning and wonderful books with their parents in our learning engagement sessions. It was lovely to see how proud they all were of our school and their brilliant work! In guided reading, we have continued to enjoy our class novel - 'The Killer Cat' - and the children have been answering a variety of questions based on the text. They have particularly enjoyed making inferences about the various activities that the main character, Tuffy, gets up to. In History, we learned all about Sutton Hoo and the artefacts that were discovered there. They learned lots of new vocabulary such as 'archaeologists' and 'excavated' and they enjoyed being detectives, hypothesising what they thought the different findings were. In English, we have finished reading 'Gorilla' and the children were very excited to find out how the story ended. The children have focused on using fronted adverbials and expanded noun phrases this week and they have produced some phenomenal pieces of writing. The children enjoyed their PE lessons this week where they continued their topic all about sending and receiving and they practised their passing and dribbling skills. Well done Year 3 & 4 - another super week of learning!


Friday 4th October

We have had a super week of learning in Year 3 and 4. We have started reading our new text 'Gorilla' and have began to explore different grammatical features. We have been amazed by the creativity in their writing! In guided reading, we started reading 'The Killer Cat' and the children have thoroughly enjoyed making inferences based on what we have read so far. In Art this week, we have focused on the skill of using brushstrokes to paint in the style of Paul Cezanne and the children have learned to mix primary colours to create different secondary colours. In History, the children have learned about about the seven kingdoms of Anglo-Saxon Britain. They really enjoyed looking for Anglo-Saxon place names that still exist today! This week in Science we explored what soil is made up of and the children had the opportunity to sieve soil and use a magnifying glass to observe in finer detail. Well done for a super week, everybody! 



Friday 27th September

Year 3 and 4 have had another incredible week of learning. We have enjoyed applying our grammar skills to our writing and the children have relished the opportunity to use ambitious vocabulary linked to our current class novel, 'The Iron Man'. The cliff-hangers have been of great interest to the children; each day we can’t wait to find out what happens next! In History we learnt more of the life of the Anglo-Saxons, thinking about how their lifestyles might differ to ours today. This week in Science, the children have been conducting investigations and testing whether or not different rock samples were limestone or chalk. They used fantastic scientific terminology to describe their methods and findings, many of them using words such as 'variable' and 'reaction'. In art this week we have created our willow patterns using blue paint and ink. Well done everybody for another brilliant week! 


Friday 20th September

What a wonderful week we have had in Year 3 and 4! In Science, the children considered whether or not they felt a rock could 'change' before discovering more information about metamorphic rocks. They enjoyed working together to sequence how a sedimentary rock like limestone could become marble. In English the children have thoroughly enjoyed completing some creative writing pieces focusing on our class novel, 'The Iron Man'. It has been fantastic to see their creativity shine through their work. In RE, we continued our work on values that are important to us, particularly thinking about friendship. The children thought about what makes a good friend and the attributes that a good friend has. In Art, we have continued to work on sketching our willow patterns ready to transfer to paper plates using blue ink next week. Well done everybody for another super week of learning! 


Friday 13th September

We have had another fantastic week in Lower Key Stage 2! In Science we learned all about igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks and how they are formed. The children thoroughly enjoyed sorting and comparing the different types of rock. In History we have started to learn all about the Anglo-Saxons and why they came to Britain. The children considered lots of thought-provoking questions and thoroughly enjoyed discussing whether or not the invasion was beneficial to Britain. We hope you all have a restful weekend. Well done everybody for another brilliant week of learning!



Friday 6th September

What a great first week back we have had in Lower Key Stage 2! We have been getting to know the routines in our classrooms and settled in brilliantly. This week we have started our whole class novel of 'The Iron Man' by Ted Hughes. We have also begun our topic in Science looking at how rocks are formed - with a bit of hands on investigation. In History we have been recapping our knowledge on chronology and timelines before we start learning about the Anglo-Saxons next week! We hope you have a lovely restful weekend, well done for all your hard work this week.